Disordered Eating on Campus

Data and Resources


College students are especially susceptible to disordered eating which can lead to the development of eating disorders. Below is data from our Health and Wellness Survey with information on the prevalence of food and body image concerns on our campus. 

University of Arizona Health and Wellness Survey 2023 Data

31% of Students Suffer from Disordered Eating

44% of Students Compare their Food/Body to Social Media

62% of Students Reported that Weight Affects the Way they feel about Themselves

Here are resources available if you, or someone you know, have concerns with eating. 

On/Off Campus Resources

Eating Disorder Information

Learn more about general facts about eating disorders.  

Are you a parent concerned about your child's eating habits? Here is a helpful toolkit for parents.  

Do you have a friend or loved one you feel is struggling with food or body image? Here are some ideas for supporting a friend or loved one. 

Nutrition Counseling

Our registered dietitians provide counseling for a variety of nutrition-related concerns. Around 75% of the students we see show disordered eating/eating disorder behaviors. We can provide additional support for nutrition counseling. 

Virtual Eating Disorder Support Groups

Many eating disorder treatment centers offer free and virtual support groups. Here are a few: 


Campus Eating Disorder Awareness and Recovery Group. Free weekly drop-in space to discuss food and body image. More information about CEDAR. 


Bella Vita Tucson

A local organization that helps Tucson's adolescents and families with eating disorders process at no charge. Learn more about Bella Vita Tucson here